Once again, thanks to everyone who participated and shared their work from the last challenge. I'm so completely impressed by the sheer ability of all and their willingness to allow myself and others to ooh and ahh over their efforts.
I hope you enjoy painting this next challenge. I found these little guys at a local antique shop and while I'm quite sure they're not yet antique or even of vintage status just yet, I thought they might be fun to paint. The deadline for challenge six is Tuesday, June 8th. (I'm extending the deadline one day as I will be out of town until then for a long weekend.)
Also, if any of you have any suggestions of items, people, places you'd like to see here, please feel free to leave a comment! Right now my biggest enemy are overcast days piling up on the exact days I am free to take photos, so if any of you can will the sunshine my way that would be much appreciated also. But seriously, if you have a particular landscape or if you prefer portraits, please let me know! If you hate flowers but love painting food, drop a line!